Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Top 10 Things Kuya Erwin Will Do In 2009

In our Basta Lovelife New Year's special, we discussed seven (7) questions to ask yourself before facing the new year. One of the questions Kevin asked was "Are there any decisions that you have been putting off?" So here are 10 things your Kuya Erwin will do in 2009:

1. Move back to Manila. Yeah, it's pretty comfortable where we're at right now but the ministry we're called to serve is there. I'm just giving more time for Zoe and Blessing to relax and breathe some clean, fresh, non-air conditioned, all natural cold air. 
2. Take better care of my body. No, I'm not sick or anything but when I was in my younger years I suffered plenty of injuries doing crazy things like snowboarding, aggressive in-line skating, etc. and my injuries hurt when it's cold or when I'm stressed.
3. Learn French and Japanese. It's something I've been wanting to learn for a while now. It's always nice to upgrade your self, right?
4. Play the drums again. Ever since I moved back to the Philippines I have never been "the drummer." I miss playing my main instrument. 
5. Draw and paint again. My day is incomplete when I don't open my Bible at the beginning of the day. My day is also incomplete if I don't do something creative for the day and drawing is my ultimate outlet. I do miss my animation days.
6. Design our new witnessing tract. One of the most effective witnessing tools we use at Crossway Ministries is a tract called One Way. It is visually oriented (which the students love),  it produces more interaction with the students and it's not time consuming. But, we have had problems with supply and licensing. So the obvious solution, MAKE OUR OWN TRACT.
7. Consistently lead worship at Resonate. Not living in Manila makes this hard but the quick remedy would be to move back to Manila.
8. Lead more people to Christ. Evangelism is a lifestyle and in life, we always strive to be better. It just makes perfect sense to be better and more aggressive in our calling to evangelize.
9. Love God more and more each day. My Jesus is the main reason why I do the things I do. I am at "hello" when I think about how much I love Him. He gives me air to breath; so I'll use that air to serve him more. He gives me strength; I'll use that strength to build His kingdom. He gives life; I'll use this life to give life to others. He gives me love; I'll use this love to change the world.

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